Episode 82

Your Aunties Could Never - Ep 82 Insulate Britain Gone Mad

This week the aunties discuss:

-The Alec Baldwin shooting on set of a movie earlier this weekend. This has shocked so many of us and we send our condolescences to the affected families

-The insulate Britain protestors have taken it to another level and now they're glueing themselves to the road.

-Evolution is acting on the side of elephants because they're now growing without tusks to escape from being poached for their ivory tusks

-Prime Minister Bo Jo told school children that recycling doesn't work and won't save the climate crisis. Considering all the fumes emitted by the military, technological advancements: is he wrong?

Follow the aunties @yourauntiescouldnever @farrforce @nanaevans.co @sadesalami @thebritishblacklist

About the Podcast

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Your Aunties Could Never
no nonsense straight talk from women who aren't afraid to say all the things you wish you could say.

About your host

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Your Aunties Could Never

For cool Aunties everywhere ... Your Aunties Could Never brings you entertaining no nonsense straight talk from women who aren't afraid to say all the things you wish you could say.

Aunty AK, Aunty Farrah, Aunty Nana, and Aunty Sade are four friends from the UK who have lived life and are well respected in business endeavours and amongst friends and family. Elevating them to Cool Auntie status.

The Aunties have a voice and are not fearful of being heard. Join them as they discuss topical news and politics, comment on popular culture and give advice all from an informed (mature) Black woman's perspective.

Think Loose Women but with seasoning, real talk & large amounts of Black Girl Magic.